Senior Pastor Mark Wilburn
Senior Pastor Mark Wilburn with wife Wanda.
Mark served as our Associate Pastor for 5 years and was named Senior Pastor after Senior Pastor Gary Mason’s retirement. He has served in various roles of church leadership for over 25 years. We are thrilled to have Mark in this new role of the Balfour Church family.

Christopher Oakes
Youth Pastor
Leads in youth ministries. Chris grew up in Balfour and has been invovled with many ministries for years. Chris felt the call of God in his life towards youth minirty and along with wife Taylor have been a great assest to our church. We are so excited that Chris and Taylor are expecting their first child.

Gary Jones
Associate Pastor and
Music Minister
with wife Katie
Leads in Associate Pastor/Family and Music Ministries.
Gary has a Bachelors and a Masters degree from Bob Jones University. Gary is a math and science teacher at Faith Christian School. Gary began singing in church as a child. His love for music has continued through various church musical experiences. Gary has twelve years of experience as a Music Director
KIds – Gabe, Auria, Chloe and Evan
Dwight Ayers
Outreach Pastor
Leads in our outreach Ministries. This includes visitation ministries, prayer ministries, Operation Christmas Child, nursing home ministries, meals on wheels and other support ministries.

Harold Ayers
Digital Media
Leads in our online church message. This covers facebook, vimeo,,
you tube and live streaming of services. If you have any questions or issues email me

Patricia Underwood
Children’s Director
Leads our children’s ministries.
Patricia directs our Nursery thru Middle school ministries.
She is a awesome Vacation Bible School director and does a awesome job with children.
If you have any questions you can email her at or usually find her around the nursery on Sunday mornings.

Misty Bunting
Nursery Leader
Leads in Wednesday nights and Sunday night nursery ministry.

Patricia Spencer
Administrative Assistant
Leads in administrative tasks of the church and is always willing to help. You can email her with any questions or call the church.

Sally Barnes
Sally Barnes

Frances Spivey
Frances Spivey